Thursday, February 25, 2010

Spiritual Dating

What would it mean if we bring a spiritual consciousness to dating?

~ Exploring how sexuality and relationships flow within the spiritual journey

Instead of feeling a sense of urgency, we would be fascinated by the process of meeting and getting to know new people. Compassion, care and kindness for others would supersede "getting someone to be with us", and we would never try to control another person.

We wouldn't put others on a pedestal nor have them below us. We'd remember that on the spiritual path, the purpose of any relationship is to wake up and get to know ourselves and our lover, thoroughly, without judgement or pride.

On the spiritual path we enter into a shared union where we cherish and give to each other, expanding our ability to love unconditionally.

We would also accept that the process can be awkward, unpredictable, challenging, and surprising.

Dating with a spiritual consciousness means a willingness to confront anything inside that kindles fear or anxiety. When we start wanting to run away, be deceptive, tell lies, or put on a mask, we need to walk right into our fears, sit down, talk to them until they become our friends. This doesn't mean we have a goal of getting rid of fear; rather, we accept it as part of our unfolding journey.

Ultimately, as we become friends with ourselves and give up demanding that the universe provide us with a lover, we become truly open to meeting a special person with whom to share this journey of awakening.

(adapted from "If Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path)


  1. so true! if only more people thought this way.

  2. The question is how to find a spiritual consciousness within yourself and your life first. Maybe meditation is key.

  3. we must all find our own spiritual path. for some meditation works for others its something else but for any relationship to last there must be some spiritual connection
