Thursday, April 22, 2010

Treat Earth Like the Goddess She Is

Mother Nature, Mother Earth . . . terms we use so frequently, but do we fully understand and embrace the meaning behind these words . . .

How is the Earth like a Goddess?

In classical Greek mythology, Gaia was the Earth Goddess. She was the first to take form out of chaos. She then gave birth to the sky, mountains, rivers, oceans, and all living things on the planet.

The words matter, matrix, and material come from mater - latin for "mother" We refer to the our planet as "mother earth" and "mother nature" easily.

It was once just as easy and natural for people to worship Mother Goddess, the Divine Feminine and see women in her likeness. To imagine divinity as female was a natural consequence of observation.

Is the Earth just as alive as a Woman?

In the mid 1960s James Lovelock (atmospheric scientist) and Lynn Margulis (microbiologist) formulated the Gaia Hypothesis, proposing that the Earth is alive and that it functions much as our bodies do to maintain homeostasis. Our bodies are an environment in which temperature and chemistry must be kept within a very narrow range of fluctuation. To be alive and healthy requires very sensitive interaction among our many systems - circulatory, respiratory, digestive and so on. Gaia (earth godddess, planet earth as feminine form) has equally complex interactive systems that must also maintain balance - oceans, soil, atmosphere, biosphere and so on.

What does it mean to think of the Earth as Gaia (Mother Nature, Goddess)?

Inhabitants of the planet Earth must realize that we are in a relationship to Gaia as in a fetus in the body of a pregnant mother. In the womb we are provided for and protected. We can only thrive if our mother's body is healthy.

"We all know our beautiful green planet is in danger. Our way of walking on the Earth has a great influence on animals and plants. We are all sleepwalkers, not knowing what we are doing or where we are heading. Whether we can wake up or not depends on whether we can walk mindfully on our Mother Earth. The future of all life including our own, depends on our mindful steps. We have to start learning how to live in a way that the future will be possible for our children and grandchildren"
~ Thich Naht Hanh, The World We Have

When we are finally able to see the earth as our mother and love her as she is, then we will also realize she needs us

Why does caring for the Earth seem like a women's movement?

In our society boys are often shamed for being soft hearted, emotional, imaginative and are discouraged from interests and inclinations that seem "unmanly" Leaving girls to be the "emotional, nuturing" counterparts. Leaving girls as the more likely ones to respond to beauty and to little children and animals. Women are the ones who can be emotional. Women are the ones who bear children and know of the effort it takes to raise a child into adulthood. Women are the empathic gender and therefore in order to save the world, we must gather the women. Beliefs such as this have led to the rise of Eco-Feminism.

Ecofeminism is a social and political movement which points to the existence of considerable common ground between environmentalism and feminism. Ecofeminists argue that a strong parallel exists between the oppression and subordination of women in families and society and the degradation of nature.

We have a beautiful mother
Her oceans wombs, her wombs oceans
The summer grasses her beautiful hair
Her brown embrace eternal
~ Alice Walker, poet/writer

If we want to see progress in future generations we must celebrate, love and respect that which gives birth to us and sustains us - women and the Earth. There are goddesses in every woman. Let's start treating our women and our planet as the Goddesses they are.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Grow with a Life Coach

I always have a million ideas. One of my friends recently asked me "Are you ever afraid that your head might explode because its over flowing with ideas?" And just the other day one of my supervisors said "You have a hyper active mind"

For the last seven years I've been struggling with trying to balance the multitude of interests and talents that I have; how to explain and promote the services I provide that are based on my many talents and interests without sounding too broad and over ambitious.

The gift of always having new ideas is that you never get bored, but the curse is that if your always writing down, discussing, and planning new ideas you end up not having time to finish and carry out the old ones.

Recently, I had a session with a life coach who helped put everything into focus. It's time to finish what I started! There are several finished books, almost finished books, and unfinished books in my home office and all I need to do is copyright them and send them to an editor. So why haven't I done that yet? Too busy in my own head telling myself there not don enough for someone else to see. Yes, I admit I am a recovering perfectionist. Perfectionism often leads to procrastination because I end up telling myself if i could just add this or that it would be so much better. And then I end up losing interest in the unfinished project because I come up with a newer even better idea

The first step is to commit to myself and to hold my self accountable for finishing the old projects. I promise myself that I will not let new ideas distract me from finishing the almost finished projects anymore. I will write new ideas down in a notebook and leave them alone until I am finished carrying out the older projects. I will use my time management skills to schedule at least an hour a day to work on finishing old projects.

What's helping me stay focused?

Coaching by "Re-Designing Your Life with Terry Ebony"

Books like

1. "Make Your Creative Dreams Real: A Plan for Procrastinators, Perfectionists, Busy People, Avoiders,and People Who Would Rather Sleep All Day" by Sark

2. You, Inc. The Art of Selling Yourself by Harry & Christine Clifford Beckwith

Reflect Renew Refresh Rejuvenate Revamp Relaunch

Monday, March 29, 2010

Calling all Moms!

Would you join a Busy Mothers Network with the mission of supporting your endeavors as a mom who works outside of the home and also wants to make time for other hobbies and interests by having monthly meetings and rotating babysitting, carpooling, and so on?

How do you balance caring for your family, spending time with friends, me time, work/career, travel, a spiritual mission, dating, and life in general?

Let me know what you think about this idea and spread the word to anyone you know that might be interested in something like this.

Become a fan of Earth Angel Unlimited on Facebook, check out the blog at, and email me

Monday, March 8, 2010

International (Working) Women's Day

On this day, we honor all women whose courage, creativity, beauty, love, strength, determination and hard work spanned across four centuries to help uplift and build a nation. On this International (Working) Women's Day we honor the spirit of the mothers of our earth and the foundation they set for future generations.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Hip Hop Chakra Yoga

got my feet on the ground
and my head to the sky
a fire in my belly connected to
my mind's third eye
you can't test me
but if you want to you can try
ain't got no time for playing games
i'm just too fly

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Spiritual Dating

What would it mean if we bring a spiritual consciousness to dating?

~ Exploring how sexuality and relationships flow within the spiritual journey

Instead of feeling a sense of urgency, we would be fascinated by the process of meeting and getting to know new people. Compassion, care and kindness for others would supersede "getting someone to be with us", and we would never try to control another person.

We wouldn't put others on a pedestal nor have them below us. We'd remember that on the spiritual path, the purpose of any relationship is to wake up and get to know ourselves and our lover, thoroughly, without judgement or pride.

On the spiritual path we enter into a shared union where we cherish and give to each other, expanding our ability to love unconditionally.

We would also accept that the process can be awkward, unpredictable, challenging, and surprising.

Dating with a spiritual consciousness means a willingness to confront anything inside that kindles fear or anxiety. When we start wanting to run away, be deceptive, tell lies, or put on a mask, we need to walk right into our fears, sit down, talk to them until they become our friends. This doesn't mean we have a goal of getting rid of fear; rather, we accept it as part of our unfolding journey.

Ultimately, as we become friends with ourselves and give up demanding that the universe provide us with a lover, we become truly open to meeting a special person with whom to share this journey of awakening.

(adapted from "If Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love on a Spiritual Path)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Help Haiti, Make Service A Ritual

"Everyone can be great because everyone can serve"- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

It is great that everyone wants to help Haiti after the earthquake but let's not just get caught up in the moment and forget about helping others when this fades. Let's keep this spirit of service going! There is so much need. There is always need! Make service a ritual in your life. Participating in service projects not only helps those you care for, but is a healing and renewing process for you as you help them.

What will you continue to do? What will you do next? What do you do on a consistent basis to serve?

For the last few years, in my youth programs we do differently monthly themes of service, you can use that as inspiration!

- January MLK Day of Service, Peace & Non-Violent Communication
- February Love & Black History Awareness
- March Women's History Month Awareness
- April Literacy thru Poetry & Global Youth Service Day
- May It's My Park Day: plant trees and help beautify your local park
- June Music & Art volunteer to teach someone how to draw, sing, etc.
- July Clean a Local Beach
- August Donate School Supplies
- September It's My Park Day: plant trees and help beautify your local park
- October Breast Cancer/Domestic Violence Awareness
- November Hunger & Poverty/Canned Goods & Coat Donations
- December World AIDS Day

There are many social issues that need our attention. Choose a cause that you are passionate about and go from there!

"We all have a great desire to be able to live in peace and to have environmental sustainability" ~ Thich Naht Hanh

Sunday, February 7, 2010

More Love, Less Hate

"How can you love God which you can not see, and hate your brother which you see everyday." Perform LOVE. - Minista Jazz

people hate because they've been taught to hate
we have to teach one another how to love more
and love more freely

maybe they're that way because no one loved them
and love may be their only cure

but who is they? haven’t we all
experienced moments of hatred?

I do not hate so I do not attract hate

I do not believe in haters
just unknowing and misunderstandings

even those who may try to hate me
for doing so realize they can only love me
in the end but first
they must love themselves

I love so I attract love

I do not believe that when you love more
the hate grows stronger, I have actually
experienced the opposite

I do not pray for anyone or anything

silence, inner peace is the closest way to God

turn down the noise

chakra mediations
sending out vibes
healing energies

we can only change ourselves
but creating more balance within
leads to
more balance all around

I see change in all of the children around me
They see the god/goddess in me
And my presence commands love

the world is not sick and twisted
we just need to
love more and hate less

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year! Happy New Me!

2009 was a roller coaster ride! I was engaged, married & divorced; pregnant, but lost the child; the funding for my youth leadership program was suddenly cut so I was transferred to work at other programs twice in 2 months; my cousin who was like a brother to me suddenly died at the age of 31 while other family members were in and out of the hospital and numerous celebrities & public figures who I grew up watching on TV, reading about in the paper and dancing to their music passed away . . . yet through all this I shaked loose my skin and came out stronger with a promotion at work, but more importantly renewed confidence & love for myself!

I usually don't make New Year's resolutions because I tend to make changes in my life consistently throughout the year. I've realized I have my own internal calendar ridding myself of old and bringing in the new each April & August (spring and summer cleaning). Another realization I have made about myself is that I tend to hibernate in the winter, not leaving my house for anything that's not work, thus most of my productivity and personal growth also happens in the spring and summer. But it's 2010 and it's not only a happy new year, but time for a happy new me!

My new motivation to ignore that its winter when all I wanna do is snuggle and sleep was sparked by 2 things. First, after all the partying was over I woke up early on the morning of Jan. 2nd turned my TV on and watched Dr. Wayne Dyer speaking to thousands of people about his "Excuses Be Gone" paradigm. Then Second, that afternoon I logged on to the "MVMT 30 Day Do It Brunch" where hundreds of people around the world engaged in Vimeo led by Rolando Brown (the man who GROWS things, MVMT)& Jullien Gordon (author of "Good Excuse Goals", Dept. of Motivated Vehicles). Thank you brothers, I learned so much!

As a result of being motivated by watching the live stream and talking with folks in the chat room, I have taken several small steps within the last 24 hours. Starting with a new tradition of making changes and being more alive during the winter by making new year's resolutions!

I will . . .

1. stop over thinking and start doing
"Live out your heart and less in your head" - Thoreau

2. affirm my dreams and create time & space for them

3. ask for help and support from my extended family and friends more

4. finish writing a book this year (there are 4 works in progress I have worked on & off for the past 10 years. no more excuses, no more distractions!)

5. reconnect with old friends & contacts and stop making excuses like "Queens is a Black hole" LOL

6. be more of me and less of who everyone else expects me to be
"I would rather be alone for who I am, then be loved for who I am not" - Wayne Dyer, Exuses Be Gone

Simply put my new mantra is . . .
Affirm, Be, Create, Do!

May you have a happy new year and a happy new you, too!