Monday, August 31, 2009

Get Your Vote On! Sept. 15th Primary Elections Too Many People Running for Office! Do Your Research!

People fought for the right to vote for hundreds of years, but women were NOT the last to win this right in 1920 less than 100 years ago, Young people were!

This year marks the 37th Anniversary of the ratification of the 26th Amendment which gave 18-20 year-olds the right to vote. Before 1971 only citizens 21 years-old and older could vote.

If you're 18 and haven't registered to vote you must! Don't take your liberties for granted! We make the mistake of only paying attention to Presidential Elections but there are many local representatives running for office and Primary Election day is 14 days away!

Primaries for partisan offices are held in September, with General Elections in November. Primary Elections are held so that voters registered with a qualified political party may select their party's nominees to the general election for partisan offices. Because a primary is a party election, only voters registered with one of the parties qualified to conduct a primary in New York City may vote in their party's (Democrats, Republicans, etc.) primary. General Elections are held to elect candidates to public offices. For partisan offices, nominees from the party primary elections appear on the ballot, along with independent candidates.

Why are local elections important? Local representatives are your legislative branch, they write bills to propose to become laws and then vote on whether or not proposed bills become laws. The person representing you in your own backyard could be the difference between whether or not for example, the new health care laws get passed. Your local representatives also represent you in the electoral college, remember we don't have a complete democracy, we have a republic.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Today is Women's Equality Day

President Obama, along with many organizations and group, are celebrating Women's Equality Day! Why is this important?

At the behest of Rep. Bella Abzug (D-NY), in 1971 the U.S. Congress designated August 26 as “Women’s Equality Day.” The date was selected to commemorate the passage of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the right to vote in 1920. This was the culmination of a massive, peaceful civil rights movement by women that had its formal beginnings in 1848 at the world’s first women’s rights convention, in Seneca Falls, New York.

The observance of Women’s Equality Day not only commemorates the passage of the 19th Amendment, but also calls attention to women’s continuing efforts toward full equality.

Discussion Questions:

1. Have you ever been treated unfairly because you're a girl/woman?

2. What do you think should be done to challenge sexism and the oppression of women?

3. What are you doing to promote sisterhood and gender equity in your daily life?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Friends are Better Than Boyfriends/Girlfriends

Somethings to Think About:

Have you ever really examined male-female relationships? Have you ever really examined why you want a boyfriend/girlfriend in the first place?

Why bother labeling someone has your boyfriend/girlfriend when you don't even know if they can simply be your friend, and without knowing how much they really love you without labeling you as their possession?


1. Everyone I know that has a boyfriend/girlfriend says their boyfriend/girlfriend gets on their nerves lol

2. Boyfriends/girlfriends come and go, but friends are forever

3. If someone can be with you as your friend and have your back no matter what that someone is a better person than a boyfriend/girlfriend ever would be

4. Boyfriends/girlfriends seem to always want to control or manipulate you while friends accept you for who you are

5. Every guy who has been "just a friend" as done more for me than any boyfriend did

People are just more honest when they're your friend. Generally speaking people will have boyfriend/girlfriend relationships just so they can be with someone when they know that person is not even good for them.

So, girls let's not get caught up in boyfriend/girlfriend drama and instead spend our youth focused on our own personal hobbies and interests. If you live your life focused on yourself and the things you like to do, such as dancing, drawing, skating, shopping, writing poetry, singing, etc. then when you get older and look back on life, you'll have more memories of all the fun you had and less memories of boyfriend/girlfriend drama

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Join the Movement!

There are tons of websites, organizations, magazines, and media targeting young women, but none where we can turn to for down to earth unbiased advice.

None that lifts our spiritis or inspires us to open our minds, spread our wings and live our lives without borders.

None that speak to us to an open, honest, pure voice. None that speak to us in our own voice, from our own hearts.

The Earth Angel Unlimited Blog is here to change that!

What are our concerns?

Everything from "What should I wear today?" to "How do I help my friend who is too young to have a child?"

This blog will feature poetry, art/music, event announcements, videos, and information to help us discuss and deal with our day to day issues as young women.

The world isn't getting any easier and as women we are the foundation, backbone and heart of our generation. As women we are more connected to mother nature than we realize

So, let's grow together and realize the unlimited possibilities of who we are!