Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Friends are Better Than Boyfriends/Girlfriends

Somethings to Think About:

Have you ever really examined male-female relationships? Have you ever really examined why you want a boyfriend/girlfriend in the first place?

Why bother labeling someone has your boyfriend/girlfriend when you don't even know if they can simply be your friend, and without knowing how much they really love you without labeling you as their possession?


1. Everyone I know that has a boyfriend/girlfriend says their boyfriend/girlfriend gets on their nerves lol

2. Boyfriends/girlfriends come and go, but friends are forever

3. If someone can be with you as your friend and have your back no matter what that someone is a better person than a boyfriend/girlfriend ever would be

4. Boyfriends/girlfriends seem to always want to control or manipulate you while friends accept you for who you are

5. Every guy who has been "just a friend" as done more for me than any boyfriend did

People are just more honest when they're your friend. Generally speaking people will have boyfriend/girlfriend relationships just so they can be with someone when they know that person is not even good for them.

So, girls let's not get caught up in boyfriend/girlfriend drama and instead spend our youth focused on our own personal hobbies and interests. If you live your life focused on yourself and the things you like to do, such as dancing, drawing, skating, shopping, writing poetry, singing, etc. then when you get older and look back on life, you'll have more memories of all the fun you had and less memories of boyfriend/girlfriend drama

1 comment:

  1. Hey Angelika!!

    i like the site a lot i think it could help a lot of the younger generation girls like the new teens. My only opinion is that it may look a little kiddy for the older girls you want to get. But otherwise you are inspiring as always and i think a good topic would be like self acceptence or a cultural education section like learning to accept other cultures in all there glory and to have the attitude to be open to new ideas. I hope that helps you out a little bit.
    But as always you are saving this world one person at a time. If you ever need help or opinion i'm up for it.

    <3 Lorraine
